Posted by: J. Kristén Halley | July 22, 2012


I never pre write and do much editing to blogs.  I have a folder of documents I could publish on a very wide spectrum of topics.  I a true artist.  It started as sketches and drawings and have expanded to include virtually every other major type of art. Writing these spec screenplays in such bulk and in such a broad spectrum of genres.  I have the poles and the premise and moral, where applicable of around ten solid concepts.

I have a real library to showcase.  Some need less refining than others, but I will be approaching srcreen play and literary agents.  I am also seeking to make connection to editors and publishing companies.  In fact, an actual talent agent that could serve in bringing my material to life would be best, since my artistic talents extend beyong writing.  My agent should represent at least one or more recognizable or successful artist,

I know what I have, When I am successful with communicating it all to you, which is a progress taking time, I will be published and watch movies I wrote and living the life I have chosen to live.  In my head, I am already there.  And, I have resources and live in relative comfortable lifestyle in a mostly peaceful home with my wife and three children, Nothing could change but me.  I have chosen to be a happier person.  I will be more patient.  I will be honest, I will speak from the heart and let my loved ones know who they are at all times.

I am smiling. I know as I soon lay my head on the pillow and stetch out \on my contour-adjustable bed, listen to a book that helps me relax or talks on subjects I have interests in learning about, taking in, and implementing any practice on the considered advice each book gives.

I just cant stop writing tonight. I spent far more time rendering this blog.  I am so focused on seeing my vision become reality, and absolutely believing they will to the point I start acting and feeling like they already have.  So I am happy because I am so successful and have and look forward to a full life with affluence beyond what we would have previously considered plausible.


I am a gifted actor.  I would like more experience, but I did get an A in the college course offered by the local campus of Penn State.

My screenplays are the skeleton version of a growing synoposis that becomes a treatment, that becomes a novel.

Epiphany will probably be marketed as my second work, following The Meek One. The Meek One will surprise everyone.  A mix of a massive terrorism strike on US soil, all major cities, except the Capital, are practically reduced to rubble.  The displaced population is well into the millions from Miami to Boston.  It was the coordinated plan Islamic extremists have planned in advance over two decades ago.  Allowing a trained population to immingrate to US Soil and apply for citizenship.

I have so many stories.  Free Spirit Fitness is based on a philosophy that is drawn deeply by many iconic books, including spending September of 2006 to March of 2007, I read the bible in a very comprehensive approach.  I cross referenced different versions from the “King James” bible to one called “The Modern Translation of the Holy Scriptures. My focus was on the edition that was written in modern tone.  I never did follow all those phrases from the time or era it was drafted into the English language. 

That’s not how we say things today, I never could understood why Christendom, in general, cling so tightly in the same version availabe in modern language, using words in the same way they are used today. 

It makes it harder to read than it needs to be.  We are disadvantaged in making a solid connection with a book we don;t always really get. 

I bring this up about me because I have just read, or rather listened to the book called The Secret.  It helped me rediscover faith. If not rediscover it, then re-arouse it.

I will largely be focused in my blogs on my writing career and eventually post each of them in cliff note fashion.

Apples and Oranges, Romantic Comedy

Weed, Light Drama

The Meek One, Thriller, Apocolyptic

Epiphany, drama based on a true story

Playing Pretend, drama based on true story

One Punch. Drama, Twins separated as boys, find themselves in the heavyweight championship fight.Recognized in ring.

Sherlock Holmes: The Heir-Apparent:  Drama about an elderly Sherlock and the passing of the torch to his nephew (son in truth) Going to stage because it focuses on Rainier Holmes, his very similar nature and intuition,and his marriage. It would most certainly interfere with the enterprise developong with Rober Downey, Jr.


I cling to modesty by always being grateful.  I show sincere gratitude.  I believe modesty is necessary for reach true wisdom.  It takes modesty to be realize that everyone you meet is superior to you in at least one way.  I am very happy when I get critique that is thoughtful, courteous, and most importantly,;useful.

I am hoping to make a better connection with ELLE.  She is so pretty, writes so well, and most importantly is a genuinely nice person.  There is no need for an explanation to how many followers and comments she attracts. I will have to stick out in some way to get her to make regular comments to me.  It would be ridiculous expecting anyone has the ability, capacity, or time to respond in detail with anyone,  That is too bad I think. 

She would attract followers to me by virtue of her popularity.  that is not my goal.  My goal is to routinely communicate with Elle routinely and get to know her as a person.  I like nice people and always to try to be nice and get to know them.

Nothing suggesting a love interesting developing is nothing to fear.  Like I said, I AM A DAMN GOOD HUSBAND..I could also be a damn good friend that is actually useful.

I am out to network and expand my number of friends of people from virtually all over the world.  Boy, girl, man, woman, of all ages, of all races, and of all credes, accessing a digitalized public forume where a reality exists concurrently and because of a different reality.  Our cyber-life v. our material life.  How far apart are the two from syncing up accurately for most people or some people…I dont know and didnt do the research so I can tell you that I would wager heavy down that it is a large population that lie or embelish in some way with their internet reality.



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